Working with our Buddies

Our buddy class is Mrs. Freebairn’s Year 4 class.
We love working and learning with them each week.
On alternate Fridays we share learning activities together. In our first session
our Buddies interviewed us so we could get to know each other. We have also shared
stories and worked on Harmony Day activities.

3 or 4 mornings each week a group of our Buddies visit us to work together on reading.
It is great fun reading to our buddies. They are helping us learn our tricky words,
develop sounding out skills and other ways to work out new words, read with expression,
and talk about the stories to build our comprehension skills. They also help us choose
‘good fit’ books to read. The Buddies are building confidence in their reading skills
as they help us and have been trained in how to listen to reading as part of their learning.
They are also developing their comprehension skills as they discuss our books with us and
think of questions to ask about the stories.

Shared Play

In Room 22 we love to start our day with shared play.
We can choose to play with the activity boxes, on the computers, iPads, iPod,
or the interactive white board. Some of us like to draw and colour, read with
friends or create collage pictures and box constructions with the craft materials.
We also enjoy drama and playing with the puppet theatre.

Joshua started building and his friends soon joined in.

Look how tall we made our tower!

Matilda loves working on craft activities with her friends.

Galaxy Kids Maths and Literacy are popular computer programmes.

Fraser and his friends like to build with Mobilo and share their constructions.

Making patterns on the interactive whiteboard using ‘Rainforest Maths’

Using the ‘Duplo’ kits to make cities, parks and zoo environments